Monthly Archives: April 2014

Fast and Effective At-Home Dumbbell Workout

Equipment needed: Dumbbells

Wanna get in shape, but feel like you don’t have any free time on your hands? Then, at-home workouts are for you. Gyms can be intimidating and even a hassle to get to. So, why deal with that mess when you can do a quick and effective workout from home? Dumbbells (sometimes referred to by their weight lifting acronym, DB) are the ideal equipment for at-home workouts. They take up hardly any space and are relatively affordable. You can probably even pick up a cheap pair at a garage sale! So, don’t make up any excuses for not feeling healthy or being in shape. If there’s a will, there’s a way. Here’s a great, simple routine I found on youtube that can be a killer start to a new you:

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