
FTD is a blog that was made by and for fitness enthusiasts. Whatever your goal is, whether it be improving cognitive function, finding a passion, or fighting off insecurities, joining the “Fit to Death” community can help you learn about the several different ways in which you can instantly begin living a better, longer, and happier life. From workouts to supplementation, you’ll learn everything there is to getting a fresh start to a new living. To relieve stress and escape the world, I hit the gym. The gym is what I like to call my second home. I spend about 4-6 days out of every week going there and releasing my inner frustrations. In a sense, it is my meditation. Arnold Schwarzenegger once said,”You can’t climb the ladder of success with your hands in your pocket.” Think about it: if you took all that energy you put towards hating your body into changing it, you would be amazed with the results! Just look at the several benefits there are to exercising and you decide whether this is right for you:




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